


  1、关于高中问题(Question about high school)

  1)哪一项标准对你选择高中最重要?(What are your most important criteria in looking at High School?)

  2)你和你的父母是如何选择学校的?(How did you and your parents choose your school?)


  (What is of the most interest to you about our school? Why do you want to attend this particular High School?)

  4)你在课余时间都喜欢做什么?(What do you like to do in your free/spare


  5)你是如何看待美国高中?(How would you describe American high school?)

  6)你将如何适应美国的高中教育体制?(How would you adjust to a

  different educational system?)

  7)你对我们学校最关注的课程是什么?(What did you like most about our

  school’s Academy?)

  8)你在大学里想学的专业是什么?(What do you think your major will be in college?)

  9)你将来选择的事业目标是什么?(What are your future career goal?)

  10)你还申请了哪所学校?(What other schools are you considering?)

  11)我们为什么该录取你? (Why should we accept you?)

  12) 有什么问题吗?(Any questions?)

  2、个人生活 (Personal Life)

  1)告诉我一些你自己的生活,包括你的家庭背景和你在哪里长大?(Tell me about yourself, including your family background and where you grew up?)

  2)你最喜欢哪本书,最喜欢哪位作者,最欣赏哪一步电影或电视剧?为什么?(What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?)

  3)你经常阅读哪一份杂志和报纸?(What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?)

  4)哪一个人对你的生活影响最大?(What person has most influenced you in your life?)

  5)到美国读书的话,你最想念的是什么?(What will you miss most after you go to America to study?)

  3、学生的学术背景和初、高中学校(Academic Background and School)

  1)告诉我一些你所学的课程,你最喜欢的科目,为什么? 哪一门课程对于你来说是最困难或最具挑战性? 为克服这些困难和解决这些问题你做了些什么?通过克服这些困难你学到了什么?(Tell me something about your courses, what is your favorite subject? Why? Which courses have been most difficult or most challenging for you? What have you done to overcome these difficulties? What have you learnt through these experience?)

  2)你喜欢你的初、高中学校吗?你是怎么描述你的学校的?(Do you like your high school? How would you describe your school?)

  3)你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(Who is your favorite teacher? Why?)

  4)你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(What is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?)


  1) 哪项课外活动中你做的贡献最大?(What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?)

  2) 你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情?(Do you have any hobbies or special interests?)

  3)你如何描述自己的家乡?(How would you describe your hometown?)


2017-04-28 / by / in , , , ,

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