wilshire英语学校 – wilshire language school
地址:3200 wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90010
◆ 多元化的课程:课程包括生活口语丶商务英语丶电话英语丶Email英语丶英语演讲等,学员不仅在口语交流上大幅提高,在商务谈判,文化礼仪等各方面均能学到丰富多元化的知识。
◆ 灵活的上课时间:学员可根据自己的时间自由安排,为工作繁忙的朋友解决上课持续性的顾虑。
◆ 方便的停课制度:我们为学员提供免费的停课服务,无需担心由于出差丶加班丶家庭原因导致的缺课。
◆ 低廉的价格:与外教面对面,小班授课,而学费仅仅$2.5/小时却很低廉。
地址:3200 wilshire blvd,los angeles,CA(wilshire与vermont交汇处)
联系人:Emily Jin
The E.S.L classes are offered to help students who are seeking to improve their English skills, either in preparation for upper level college and University study, for personal and career development, as well as for a smooth adjustment to life in the U.S.
We provide every faculty and staff member an environment that is cooperative, comfortable and conducive to professional development. The team-work of the faculty and staff members is what operates the program successfully and holds it together.
Students who successfully complete the program will be academically ready to take college courses. To accomplish this, all of the classes will concentrate on building toward college level work. Upon completion of the program, students will be good at giving group and individual presentations, conducting research and writing research papers, writing and documenting composition papers, taking notes effectively, reading for comprehension without difficulty.