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【华尔街信用卡公司】【诚聘会计助理】薪资面议,待遇从优! Epay World LLC是一家快速成长的金融信用卡支付公司,我们与来自不同行业的客户合作,简化他们的电子支付和收款流程。由于公司业务发展迅速,现诚聘会计助理。 具体薪资面议,待遇从优,多劳多得!还等什么,快来加入我们吧! Job Description Accounts Payable: promptly pay all vendors, ensuring we do not overpay/double-pay invoices, incur late payment fees and lowest price that we got. Monitor credit card expense activity reports to obtain receipts and explanations for each line item. Enter all credit card activity into Quick books once got receipt from cardholder. Code all invoices received according to general ledger chart of accounts and enter all bills into Quick books. Make payment by credit card. Reconcile all of recurring month payment invoices for multiple companies Accounts Receivable: work with off-site Bookkeeper to create all of invoice and make sure the due date for each invoice that create are correct to bookkeeper to collect the money from merchant. Bank Deposits: Deposit the checks to bank Work with Bookkeeper for monthly inventory count, make sure all of the inventory are match on the Smart sheet, Physical inventory and Quick books. Order all of office supplies if necessary. And monitor office expenses Refund: Help bookkeeper to prepare all of documents through our refund policy and enter credit memo for merchant that needs for refund. Maintains historical records by filling documents Requirements: Invoicing and typing skills Attention to detail and accuracy Highly organized with excellent time management skills Excellent communication skills Ability to take initiative and problem solve Maintain confidentiality Excellent knowledge of QuickBooks and Microsoft Office Suite Bilingual in English and Chinese 工作地址: Brooklyn, NY 如果您准备好利用这个机会,请投简历至hr@epayworld.us ,我们将跟进面试!
中城首饰批发公司诚聘全职店员,男女均可(男士要心细), 能吃苦耐劳,心细有责任心,要勤快,无经验也可; 必须是长期工,短期免问,需简单英语沟通,有经验者或者会西班牙语优先考虑。 欢迎有长期合作意向的人士联系,电朱小姐,联系时间,周一到周五9:00-6:00. 联系电话:(212) 889-0869, (917)385-9969 公司地址:43 W 29th St, New York, NY 10001
纽约国民警卫队招聘 Become a NY National Guard Soldier. Earn 100% college tuition, hands-on job training, low-cost healthcare and endless opportunities. We are here to help you explore your options, build your network and eventually achieve your personal goals. 国民警卫队招聘,需要绿卡,至少高中文凭,四十岁以下。完成训练免费绿卡转公民。福利丰厚。有兴趣请联系 (917) 633-9964.
誠請送貨部文職 主要負責接聽電話和排單送貨 要求: -中英文流利,會講廣東話 -需懂電腦操作: Microsoft Word, Excel -做事認真負責 -有合法工作身份 -全職 -住布碌侖,方便上班 工作地點:布碌侖賓臣墟區 有意者請發簡歷到:cytradinghr@gmail.com
国际公司诚聘 /A牌司机/卡车行程派遣人员/请办公室助理/Settlement Specialist/ 国际公司扩大营业诚征多项职位一同加入团队~ 1. 卡车行程派遣人员 年薪約$42000 – 45000,根据经验。薪资待遇具竞争力,并按照工作表现有所调整并且优良福利保险皆具备 如自备车为佳. 工作要求: ●大学毕业 ●拥有物流管理背景 ●能够独立作业,并且一心多用 ●有主动性、有组织性、并且细心 ●英文流畅 2. A牌司机 需要有三年以上A牌驾驶经验, 完整的驾驶记录, $20-25美元每小时,根据经验, 工作时间稳定 3 个月后完全覆盖医疗保险。 3.办公室助理 時薪 : $15 / 全職 : 年新 36k-45k –需看經歷 工作要求: 1.注重细节. 2.流利的英语. 优秀的双语加分,西班牙语/中文优先. 3.會一心多用. 4.會QuickBooks. 5.最少2年辦公室经验. 6.有强烈的责任感. 7.給薪休假. 8.需要有社安全卡號碼 . 4.Settlement Specialist Requirement : 1, College degree minimum 2, Accounting or mathematics background 3, Minimum 3 years working exp’ 4, Must be detail oriented and motivated. 5, English proficiency is required. Job Description ●Generate purchase orders from the emails sent by the purchasing team, sent out the purchase order to the correct vendor and confirm the receiving of the order. ●Settle the shipment with vendor which includes and not limited to ●Generates the necessary paper works ●Explain and negotiate with the vendor regarding any possible discrepancy regarding the shipments. ●Confirm with the vendors when the payments are sent out and received by the vendors to ensure. ●Other office related tasks given on the day to day base to ensure the overall smoothness of the operation. Packages: $36,000/yr base salary and bonus program earnings up to $60,000/yr, great benefits and health insurance. 有意者请发覆历至下列邮箱 E-mail :ustradingmgr@gmail.com Tel :551-226-7907