门诊服务 五院大学保健中心自1984年起提供中国传统医学和医疗保健一体化向海湾地区和圣克鲁斯家庭。 中国传统医药(TCM)是已成功应用于亚洲世纪的全面的天然的保健系统。中医用针灸,中国的中草药,按摩治疗,医疗气功,和营养治疗症状的根本原因,预防疾病,维护健康。 Our nationally accredited Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MTCM) and Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) programs provide a strong foundation in TCM diagnosis, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, the latest TCM research, extensive clinical training and a comprehensive integrative medical education. Our Continuing Education programs offer certification in Asian Massage and Bodywork and Medical Qigong.