传单名片特惠 print star 647-291-4756 455 Mcnicoll Ave., North York, ON M2H 2C9
Posted on December 25, 2018 / 1240


传单名片特惠 print star 647-291-4756


联系人:print star

地 址: 455 Mcnicoll Ave., North York, ON M2H 2C9

邮箱:  printstar01@gmail.com

特价名片1000张全彩$35, 传单5000张$138起.

1000单面白纸打印 $2分/面 =$20, 双面打印$1.5 分/面 =$30
1000单面彩纸打印 $3分/面 =$30, 双面打印$2.5 分/面=$50
200份彩色传单,单面Plain paper=$20分/面 双面打印 =$18 分/面
500份彩色传单,单面Plain paper=$15分/面 双面打印= $12 分/面

Final price should plus 13% tax on all above price.

名片(Artwork Included)

500张双面全彩 = $55 1000张双面全彩= $70
2500张双面全彩= $99 5000张双面全彩 =$135

宣传单Flyer (Art work & taxes extra charge)

5.5” x 8.5”(半张打印纸大小)
1000份 单面全彩100LB $110,双面$120.
5000份单面全彩100LB $150,双面$210.
8.5” x 11” (打印纸大小)
1000份单面全彩100LB $138,双面$158
5000份单面全彩100LB $258,双面$298


5.5”x 8.5” (半张打印纸大小)
500套 两联收据 黑白单面打印 = $50
1000套 两联收据 黑白单面打印= $80
500套 三联收据 黑白单面打印 = $75
1000套 三联收据 黑白单面打印= $125
8.5” x 11” (打印纸大小)
500套 两联收据 黑白单面打印= $75
1000套 两联收据 黑白单面打印= $120
500套 三联黑白单面打印收据= $105
1000套 三联黑白单面打印收据= $150

VIP Card $1.5/ea (100pcs single side)


Work Hours: Mon-Fri 10:30 am-6:00 pm

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