Posted on 2016-07-30 / 432 Whether you’re looking to score better on your SATs, improve your school grades, or even join the US Olympiad Math Team, Mr. Huang has the knowledge and passion to improve your thinking methods and to help you excel. ABOUT MR. HUANG Mr. Johnson Huang has tutored hundreds of students from all over the Bay Aarea, out of state, and worldwide. He first started teaching in 1997 as a hobby, but realized his passion in sharing his knowledge and strategies with students and started tutoring full-time since 2003. Since then, his classroom has grown from students in the Bay Area to students all over the nation, and more recently (2011), worldwide. In addition to teaching chemistry, Biloogy, math, and physics, Mr. Huang also specializes in preparing students for math contests, such as the USA Math Olympiad (USAMO).  

Location : San Francisco
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