Posted on 2019-08-30 / 780

女高中生求兼职 中文英文流利 Looking for a part time job “求在法拉盛的工作地点 最好在4点以后 中文英文流利(在美国快10年) 不报税 学习能力强 最好是和小孩子有关因为非常喜欢小朋友(做过小老师 然后有在补习班帮忙) 请短信联系:3472007815 Looking for a part time job: Currently a high schooler The working place would be best in Flushing Available after 4pm Fluent in Chinese and English No tax Eager to learn It would be the best if the job is about childcare. Had experience of being a teacher and teacher assistance. Used to volunteer at an afterschool Contact (Text Message): 3472007815”


Item Type : 商品
Location : Flushing
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