Posted on 2020-04-16 / 707


Due to the ongoing COVID-19 virus situation, our 37th Ave office has been temporarily closed, but our Maple office is still open to all patients. Our maple office is located at 134-21 Maple Ave. 1FL, Flushing NY 11355. Office number is (718) 886-5253. We are also offering telemedicine services to all patients who cannot come to our clinic in person. It allows our providers to extend medical services to all existing and new patients who cannot come to visit our clinic, including diagnosis, medication prescription/refill, referral etc. Please contact our frontdesk at (718) 886-5253 for more details.

鉴于新冠病毒爆发,我们在法拉盛37街的诊所暂时关闭。我们在法拉盛maple Ave 的诊所依然对病患开放。 地址是 134-21 Maple Ave. 1FL, Flushing 11355. 本诊所现在还为无法到诊所的病患开通了远距离看诊,开药,专科转诊服务。详情请电(718) 886-5253.

百合内科家庭科开始提供远距离看诊/开药服务 (718) 886-5253
Item Type : 商品
Location : Flushing
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