地址:161 Madison Ave #2n, New York, NY 10016美国
我是一名59岁女性,已患湿疹近1年。最开始从双脚开始,红色皮疹,奇痒,逐渐向上蔓延,很快波及双下肢、大腿、胸腹部和上肢,搔抓时经常挠破皮肤,双脚肿胀、疼痛、皮肤干裂破溃,不能穿鞋,很难行走,我看了好几位西医和皮肤专科医生,他们只是给我类固醇外用药膏,开始时有些帮助,后来就一点用也没有了,而且,涂药膏的部位皮肤有些变黑,病情还在不断加重,我非常沮丧,这时我在网络上发现了陈医生,他在治疗湿疹方面有特殊办法,网上有很多反馈信息,都给陈医生很高评价,我决定去试试看。陈医生非常和蔼,耐心询问病情,仔细检查,认真治疗,没有想到,治疗的第二天我就可以穿鞋了,双脚肿胀明显消失,治疗1个星期,就可自由行走。陈医生的治疗方法是:针灸、中药口服,以及中药药膏,还有贴膏,白天涂膏,晚上贴膏,如今已经治疗10几次, 湿疹基本消退,皮肤瘙痒已除。
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are good for Eczema
I am a 59 years old female and have been suffering from eczema about one year, the rash was red and very itchy。It started from my feet then gradually up to my legs, my chest and my upper limbs. It was so itchy that I scratched my skin until it broke, besides this; my feet were very swollen, painful and too dry. I could not even wear my shoes, let alone walk. I had seen many western medicine doctors and dermatologists; they just treated me by giving me some steroid ointment for external use which had little to no help. Even worse was that the skin where I applied the ointment was turning black and the eczema was becoming more severe. I was very upset and disappointed. At this time I went online and learned about Dr. Chen. I learned that he has a very special therapy for eczema, not only that but there were also a lot of good feedback and comments from patients about him. I decided I would pay Dr. Chen a visit. Dr. Chen is a very nice, patient, and inquisitive doctor. His treatments were amazing, after just the first I could wear my shoes again! After 7 days treatment, I was able to walk normally! Dr. Chen’s therapies included acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Chinese ointment, and Chinese plaster. The ointment was for daytime use, the plaster was for nighttime use. I have undergone 10 treatments, now the eczema is almost gone and the itchiness is finally relieved.
病人名字: Lani Evon 来自网站的反馈
病人病症: 湿疹
在我湿疹非常严重的情况下, 我非常有幸的找得了陈德成医生 (诊所在纽约中城, 1 west 34th Street, Room 903, New York)。 第一次去陈医生诊所时,我全身都有湿疹,痒痛难忍。 我的脚和小腿是红肿的, 而且已经发炎,合并感染, 所以只能穿大的托鞋。自从开始接受陈医生的治疗, (每天饮用草药和每周2次针灸治疗),五天之内, 我就能穿我自己的鞋,走路也无痛苦。3个月内大部分我的皮肤的愈合。经过5个月的治疗,我几乎完全从我的湿疹的阴影中走出来。 当你现在看到我, 你绝对想象不到接受治疗前的我。 陈博士和他的工作人员都非常有耐性的护理我和他其他的病人。
病人: Lani Evon
Comment from acupunctureland.com : Severe Eczema
I could not be more grateful nor happier in choosing Dr. Decheng Chen as my acupuncturist located at 1 West 34th Street, Rm 903 for a severe case of eczema. I could only painfully walk from the curb to his office so swollen were my feet and lower legs on my first visit in surgery shoes. Within 5 days of starting his treatment (daily drinking herbs and 2 acupuncture treatments), I was able to wear my own shoes and walk pain-free. I had systemic rashes, great hair loss (after 3 doses of Prednizone), severe pain, inflamation of my hands and feet and eczema on my hands, legs and feet when I started my treatments. Within 3 months most of my skin had healed. After 5 months of treatment, I am almost completely free of my eczema which became severe 8 months ago. Dr. Chen and his staff are incredibly nurturing and accommodating to one suffering such as I have been (and to all their clients). You wouldn’t know to look at me now what I have been through.
Thank you
Patient: Lani Evon