如果可以选择,绝对是”0“星服务 我只是打个电话询问Tax Return收费标准,business owner用羞辱的语气大叫到“我最讨厌你们这些人,什么都不懂,还问如何收费。你有来过吗?你懂什么是专业服务吗?然后挂断了电话。“ 如果您是新的客人,请远离浪费您的宝贵时间被凌辱,他们所谓的 “professional“ service 没有统一计价。请花您的宝贵时间去咨询真正的专业人士。他这种咆哮是的羞辱人的方式,完全没有听出来“专业服务”。 I got attacked because I called to asked what their rates were. He yelled at me that ignorant people asked about professional service fee. His humiliating tone made my heart uncomfortable. I've never experienced such rude and unprofessional call. Stay away from being insulted. Spend your time and money for a real professional service.