Posted on 2020-07-02 / 712
  1. 99c批发公司诚招女写单员和男仓库理货员 99c 日用品批发公司 诚请女写单员,需年轻有责任心,英语流利。 诚请男仓库理货员,需年轻力壮,能吃苦耐劳。 法拉盛有接送 有意者请联系:9179298358

  2. 布鲁克林公司请店员 Ecommerce Assistant 本公司专营商业厨具设备,现由于业务扩张,诚意寻找各位同行或者有类似行业经验的人加入。 工作地点:BROOKLYN,门口有A车和C车,2,3,4车,BUS B15,B25,B46,B65。 要求: 1. 有各大电商平台的运营经验优先。 2. 熟悉餐馆厨具行业的相关市场,或者建筑装修材料,批发,外贸等行业。 3. 熟悉工厂工作流程,有管理经验优先。 4. 中英文对话。会西班牙语优先。 5. 开拓进取,重视业绩,善于沟通,能自觉独立完成工作。 薪资和实际工作能力挂钩,提供有薪假期。有意者请致电或者短信631-320-8136.

  3. 布鲁克林护理公司诚聘全职前台, 协调员, 簿记文员多名,需流利英文及精通微软办公室. 具有良好的沟通和表达技巧,优秀的客户服务技能, 耐心,细心,善于协作,理解力强具有强烈的团队工作精神。 有意者请发送个人英文简历至 NYHC762@GMAIL.COM

  4. 牙科招聘全职前台/医生助理,有牙科工作经验 或英文流利者优先 本门诊工作环境佳,地理位置便捷 ,工作稳定 工作年满一年后享有员工福利 以上职位均需合法身份,需要报税, 无经验者 请勿申请。 有意向者欢迎致电 :718-888-1817 或发送个人简历到 (每周二至周六 早 9:30am – 5:30pm )

  5. 代购招一名全职司机,周一到周五 有经验优先,要求不会开错路 电话9178689718(发短信)

  6. 诚聘律师助理及律师各一名, 需要法律专业毕业,有诉讼,地产商业交易及移民经验者优先,高级办公环境,可办理H-1B或绿卡, 简历:

  7. (纽约皇后区大学点)电子商务公司诚聘仓库员工一名 男士,需有身份W2报税。需要简单英语,良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力,吃苦耐劳,有责任心。 有意者请发简历到info@ibenzer.com或致电646-667-7225公司地址:119 ST, 23rd Ave, College Point, NY 11356

  8. 法拉盛Tempco Glass Fabrication LLC公司诚聘招车间生产工人两名 有在美国工作的合法手续 接受全额报税 为人诚实, 有责任心, 肯学 有工厂工作经验为佳 工作待遇: 基础薪水+ 401k + 带薪休假+ 医疗保险 工作时间: 周一至周五 早上7 点 – 下午4 点 如有兴趣, 请联络347-732-5658 Tempco Glass Fabrication LLC, a young and fast-growing glass tempering and fabrication company in Flushing NY, is seeking motivated production/line workers to join our team. Manufacturing experience is not necessary and we will provide all necessary training and support to help the right candidate succeed. Tempco offers a competitive compensation package (pay, insurance and other benefits). Work hours: Monday to Friday Day Shift from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm (including 1 hour break) Night Shift from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM(including 1 hour break) Extended shifts and Saturday hours will be determined based on production need. Primary responsibilities include: (1) Follow supervisors’ directions and orders (2) Operate machines and equipment in a proper manner (3) Learn necessary skills required in the position and keep yourself up to date (4) Cooperate with fellows in group work when in need Please call 347-732-5658 if you are interested.

  9. 寻找处理交通罚单律师长期合作 本公司经常有交通罚单需要处理 寻找处理交通罚单律师 电话: 206-536-6666

  10. 律師樓誠聘實習律師助理 需懂國英文流利 有意者請email簡歷

  11. 皇后区门窗工厂 诚聘熟练生產工人/中英文流利銷售人员。需身份。 917-436-9760[size=18] [/size ]

  12. 长岛啤酒批发请送货帮手,需有经验会使用handtruck 手推车。薪资面谈,有意请电:917-291-9091/929-300-2024.

  13. ************长岛冰淇淋店请长工店员************** 找长工,近法拉盛,须英文,交通要自理。无经验可学。 9173485517

  14. 急招!洗衣房请人 – 法拉盛大学点 college point 公司名字:laundry de point 地址:20-07 127th St, College Point, Queens, NY 环境:地处大学点college point,公交Q25路可直达,环境非常干净安全,大楼管理人员每日消毒用心维护 上班时间:早班 8 am-4 pm,晚班 3 pm-10 pm 感兴趣请短信Sunny:7186668285 (周一至周五 10-4)

  15. *********Office Clerk********* Flushing office seeks part-time English-Chinese office clerk. Must have basic office computer skills. Be responsible and detail oriented. Please email your resume to

  16. 诚聘维修工 -Woodside中央厨房 7,M,R地铁,且Flushing 公交车可达 诚聘机械,空调,弱电维修人员 有经验者佳 工薪:$18.50起,需报全税 福利:试用期过后,公司提供医疗,眼科,牙医保险,带薪假期 有意者,请电212-786-2068,听到电子语音后拨分机号108

  17. JFK Freight Forwarder Hiring Operator 国际物流公司公司诚请 full time OP Must speak English 有经验优先,认真细心,责任心强,无经验可培训 有意请发resume 至 Must drive to work Skills Excel Multilingual Microsoft Office We are looking for a bilingual freight operator who can manage high volume shipments from China to US for domestic distribution. This position requires to work closely with freight forwarders and trucking companies to ensure timely arrival and delivery of containers from China to our US warehouses and distribution centers. Responsibility Follow up Ocean and Air shipment Input data to system Communicate and interact with carriers, vendors, and customers, as well as internal warehouse team members and Customer Service Representatives to ensure proper order status, delivery arrangements, and service Review and ensure all documentations are accurate processed in time Follow up and problem solve with customers Assist customers with inquiries and daily tracking issues Organize files both manually and electronically Requirement Excellent organizational ability. Pays attention to details Strong sense of responsibility Works well under pressure Strong logical skills, provide solutions to unique challenges Stable and reliable. Proficient in Microsoft office tools, especially Excel Accurate with numbers, calculations etc. Mandarin is a plus Job Type: Full-time Language: Chinese (Preferred) If you are interest please send your resume to

  18. 工厂找办公人员仓库管理 懂简略QUICKBOOK记录库存,账目, 了解建筑材料(pluming/HVAC/refrigeration) resume 发到 718 300 9382 懂英文/中文.

  19. 招聘服装箱包类直播主播 要求如下:1.有车辆能独立出行 2.形象好气质佳、有良好的表达能力,自信热情有活力,喜欢与人互动交流, 善于调动气氛3. 有经验者优先 (没经验可培训) 4.要求全职。 工资待遇: 底薪+抽成 工作区域:纽约 了解详情,请直接拨打电话 917-593-3003

7月2日 招聘
Item Type : 商品
Location : New York
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