优秀学区:小学Q144 School、初中JHS190 School、高中Metropolitan High School。独立电表、煤气表,包水,煤、电自付。室内设施:中央暖气系统、三个分体挂墙式冷、暖气空调(大套睡房、中睡房、客厅各一部)、小睡房窗式冷空调。厨房:大理石台面、炉头、烤箱、抽油烟机、微波炉、冰箱、洗衣机、烘干机等。欢迎华人家庭、或朋友、学生合租。(经纪免问,谢谢!)
皇后区阳边(sunnyside)43–30 46th. Street两房一厅单位(约780平方尺)出租, 距离七号地铁46街站半个街口,20分可达大中央车站(Grand Central). 周围有24小时超市和饭店。生活设施完备。月租$1900。包暖气,水和gas.不包电费。屋主出租,不收中介费。有意可短信917–257–5602; email: zbli233@gmail.com Two bed-room apartment (about 780 sq ft, converted from a large one-bed room apartment) with air conditioner, refrigerator, located in 4330 46th street, Sunnyside, Queens (only half of a block from #7 subway 46th street station) for rent by owner. $1900 per month, including heat, gas and water but not electricity. No brokerage/agent fee required. Lots of closet spaces. Near 24 hr supermarket and other stores. Lots of restaurants near by. About 15 minutes to Midtown Manhattan. Very convenient and safe area. If interested, please email: zbli233@gmail.com, or call/text owner at 917-257-5602
Woodside 68街Maurice Ave,3房1浴,$2200全包,车位$100,交通便利,附近学校 ,有钥匙🔑,随时约看,欢迎合作,☎️929-249-7392 ,917-302-5258 For Rent for Woodside 68st Maurice Ave, 3bed ,1bath, close to school and bus, it bring to your life convenient, need credit check $2200/month, include hot water, gas and electric tenant just pay the rent. No pets, please call: Ming Gao ☎️:917-302-5258 Alice Zhang:929-249-7392