Posted on 2019-08-01 / 2665

新櫃族 Noble Cabinetry NY

地址:42-34 college point blve floshing NY 11355

电话:718-321-8988   917-567-7069

專業訂製 櫥櫃 衣櫃 ,自設工廠,美國製造!好櫃不貴,高端訂製不再是有錢人的專利!



       新柜族,主要从事衣柜、橱柜制作,尤其是定制。是2018年成立的,一直服务纽约五大区。我们有自己的工厂,使用的板材是产自加拿大和美国的上等板材。五金配件是使用世界五大品牌中的三大品牌,包括HAFELE 、 RICHELIEU Blum等。可以得到终身保修。新柜族可提供设计、制作、安装一条龙服务。




The Noble cabinet Ny is mainly engaged in the production of wardrobes and cabinets, especially customization.

It was established in 2018 and has been serving the five major districts of New York.

We have our own factory, and the plates we use are high-quality plates produced in Canada and the United States.

Hardware accessories use three of the world’s five major brands, including HAFELE, RICHELIEU and Blum. You can get a lifetime warranty.

The new cabinet family can provide one-stop service of design, production and installation.

We have more than 10 years of work experience and provide customized services to meet customers’ needs for a large amount of storage space and flexible use.

Good cabinets are not expensive, and customization is no longer the patent of the rich.



新櫃族  Noble Cabinetry NY 


地址:42-34 college point blvd 2/floor flushing ny 11355 

新櫃族 Noble Cabinetry NY 專業訂製 櫥櫃 衣櫃
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