Acupuncture for IVF Support to get Twins tel: 212-564-3324
Posted on 2018-11-21 / 908

Acupuncture for IVF Support Twins

Acupuncture for IVF Support Twins

I am 37 years old. I had IFV once in 2009 but failed. Then I had acupuncture treatment for 2 months with Dr. Chen to treat my imbalanced hormones. I had IVF again in June 2010, finally I was pregnant with twins. They turned out to be one boy and one girl. Acupuncture helped a lot.

S. W.


Acupuncture for IVF Support to get Twins

Acupuncture for IVF Support to get Twins


I am 43 years old. I have had a couple of IUIs and IVFs in the past few years. All of them failed. Finally, a lady who I met in the IVF doctor’s office referred me to see Dr. Chen. He combines acupuncture and Chinese herbs for my treatments which I took for more than six months. I had my last IVF in 2010, I was successful pregnant and I got two boys.


May 20, 2011

Manhattan(New York City) Office:

address: 161 Madison Ave, Suite 2N(2楼) New york, NY 10016

tel: 212-564-3324   fax: 212-564-3732



(Great Neck) :
address:45 Northern Blvd Great Neck, NY 11021
tel: 516-858 0081    fax: 212-564 3732

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