Posted on 2021-03-14 / 510

Colonial Funeral Home


电话: 718-351-5858
地址: 2819 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10306
24 小时营业


经验很重要,我们很荣幸能成为葬礼计划方面的专家。计划葬礼可能很困难也就不足为奇了。幸运的是, 多年来,我们贴心和敬业的员工一直在帮助家庭计划丧葬服务。我们将花时间与您的家人坐下来,讨论可用的各种选择。从那里,我们将确保每个人都了解该过程以及所包含的内容。我们的目标是帮助您在选择如何尊重亲人时做出有教养和明智的决定。

For the past four generations, our family has been dedicated to providing our community quality services and support. Outside of Colonial Funeral Home, the Lanza family owns and operates 6 other funeral homes in NYC. With locations in each of the five boroughs, the Lanza family have become leaders for funeral service in New York. Our family is proud to be apart of NYC and we love developing relationships with each family that comes to one of our funeral homes. Click here to read the full history of our work in New York City.

纽约花圈,丧葬,纽约葬礼鲜花,送花上门:201-228-0466 意境鲜花店,送花服务

Listing Type : 服务行业殡仪馆
Item Type : 商品
Location : New York
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