Posted on 2021-03-19 / 793

English Bros. Funeral Home


地址:2203 Avenue Z, Brooklyn, NY 11235
24 小时营业

English Bros. Funeral Home英国兄弟殡仪馆,是 一家家族企业 ,拥有超过75年的历史,以个人服务和可负担的价格服务于所有信仰社区。。选择一个葬礼的埋葬或火葬,包括参观时间低至 $ 2,995.00。我们的直接火化服务低至$ 1,645.00我们是唯一的殡仪馆 位于羊头湾布鲁克林区,我们很自豪地提供大型礼堂供观看或纪念活动,以及宽敞的起居室,商务办公室和洗手间,所有这些都可从街道进入,方便安全地进出。

English Bros. Funeral Home is family owned and operated serving the all faiths community for over 75 years with personal service and affordable pricing. .Choose a funeral service for a burial or cremation, including visiting hours for as low as $2,995.00. Our Direct Cremation service as low as $1,645.00 We are the only funeral home in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn and are proud to offer large chapels for viewing, or for a memorial service, a large sitting lounge, business office, and restrooms, all on street level entry for safe and easy access.

纽约花圈,丧葬,纽约葬礼鲜花,送花上门:201-228-0466 意境鲜花店,送花服务


English Bros. Funeral Home英国兄弟殡仪馆718-743-8459
Listing Type : 服务行业殡仪馆
Item Type : 商品
Location : BrooklynNew York
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