Posted on 2016-07-30 / 985

​ ivyGOAL Story ivyGOAL is the brainchild of Nick Ni, a local entrepreneur and education specialist. Nick majored math education in China, then obtained M.S. in Computer Science and B.S. in Architecture from University of Hawaii at Manoa. He has helped over 1,300 students in the bay area. Over the years, Nick developed his own teaching method: combination of customized teaching and repetition drill. On May 26th, 2014, ivyGOAL opened its doors to support students in the bay area. ivyGOAL Tutoring With Guarantee The most effective way for your child to achieve subject mastery and surprisingly cost effective. We use common core standard materials. After initial assessments, teachers will tutor students with appropriate levels of workbooks. Students will be assigned additional take-home practice after each session. Practice makes perfect.

ivy GOAL  语言学校(英语&数学辅导)
Location : San Francisco
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