Posted on 2016-07-27 / 1092

完整的碰撞修复                                    挡风玻璃更换                                     帧定位框关 修复体车轮定位                                    车轮和轮胎更换                                 免漆凹痕修复 整车和现场绘画                                    颜色匹配车身套件安装                      几乎每个保险 所有外国和国产车型                            安排租车拖车服务下车/接机终身保修   1-26

Do I have to get more than one estimate?

No, the law does not require you to get more than one estimate.

Am I obligated to use the shop my insurance recommends?

You are not obligated to use any particular shop to obtain repairs. You choose the shop and you authorize the repairs.

Is the insurance company’s appraisal final?

You do not have to accept the insurance company’s appraisal of the damage. See the “Appraisal Clause” in your policy to resolve differences.

What are my responsibilities before I can pick up my vehicle?

You are responsible for the cost of repairs. Financial arrangements must be made before the vehicle can be released.

Do you use after market parts?

We only use original manufactured parts from the dealer unless otherwise instructed by the owner or insurance company.

M&S Collision 汽车修理厂
Listing Type : 各国商家推荐
Item Type : 商品
Location : San Francisco
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