Scough 是让你远离流感的时尚围巾。流感高峰期,人们通常依靠戴口罩来防御流感。可是,对于爱美人士来说,虽然这些口罩可能有效,对他们却没有吸引力。于是有设计师设计了一款叫做Scough 的围巾,既时尚又具备抗菌技术可以将微生物阻隔在外面。
该围巾有男女款不同设计,材质包括格子羊绒、法兰绒、 仿皮毛等等。每条Scough围巾使用了活性炭,可以捕捉并杀死细菌;另外材料还包含了嵌入式银离子过滤系统,可以破坏细菌的生物化学特性,使得它们难以发挥病毒特效。在形式上,每条毛巾的轻盈材质允许他可以贴在脸上不随便掉下来。现在每条围巾39美元。
Protecting your loved ones from airborne viruses and flu is important. Flu kills and causes countless icky, phlegmy miserable sick days in bed. We offer a better, technically-advanced stylish solution: A designer Scough with built in protection from the harsh germ and pollution-filled world.
Results: You stay healthy and look pretty hot, if you don’t mind us saying. (But hot in the metaphorical, sexy sense, not because you have a fever.)