蒙特利尔 专业调音师, 钢琴, Kirkland, 西岛, 钢琴调音 钢琴修理 保养 翻新 新琴 二手琴 销售 搬运 H. NALBANDIAN 一站式钢琴服务 one stop piano shop
蒙特利尔 专业调音师, 钢琴, Kirkland, 西岛, 钢琴调音 钢琴修理 保养 翻新 新琴 二手琴 销售 搬运 H. NALBANDIAN 一站式钢琴服务 one stop piano shop
位于蒙特利尔西岛柯克兰(Kirkland)的H. Nalbandian Pianos是一家有40年经验的钢琴行。店主哈鲁特(Harout)是一名亲力亲为的调音师兼钢琴技师。
这是一个前店后厂的商铺。店里陈列着10多架式样各异的钢琴,墙上的油画和郁郁葱葱的室内植物,透露出温馨的人情味。… 繼續閱讀
三十五年前,哈魯特·納爾班迪安 (Harout Nalbandian) 通過在大蒙特利爾地區提供鋼琴調音服務開始了他的職業生涯。
Thirty-five years ago, Harout Nalbandian began his career by offering piano tuning services in the Greater Montreal area.
1982 年,他成立了 H. Nalbandian Pianos,並將服務範圍擴大到鋼琴維修和調音。 五年後,興趣使然和客戶不斷增長的需求促使他轉向修補和修復,並在 Ville St-Laurent 開設了他的第一個工作室。 工作多年後,他將公司搬到了西島 Kirkland,建立了西島的一站式鋼琴商店,包括銷售、租賃和維修新鋼琴和二手鋼琴。
In 1982, he established H. Nalbandian Pianos and expanded his services to include piano repairs as well as tuning. Five years later, his own interests and growing demand from his clients lead him towards refinishing and restoration, and he opened his first workshop in Ville St-Laurent. After many years in the first location, he moved the business to Kirkland, Quebec, to establish the West Island’s one-stop piano shop, selling, renting and servicing new and pre-owned pianos.
地址:16871 Hymus blvd., Kirkland, Quebec H9H 3L4
電話:(514) 695-7478 / (514) 993-9257 (中文)
週一至週五 9:00 – 18:00