法律服务专长 Legal Service
- 离婚
- 金融
- 小孩儿
- 及相关的继承案例
We provide the below legal services:
UK Family Law& International Family Law
- Divorce
- Finance
- Children
- and related inheritance cases
We offer Legal Services for clients who are UK Citizens or residents. Or they are married to or partners of UK Citizen or residents. Especially International Clients who have a claim in UK. It can be Family Law as well as inheritance cases.
Any Chinese national who has links to UK and Assets in UK can use English Law to help them with their Family Law and related Financial claims. Presently, we do not provide services in Chinese Language, however we will consider hiring a Chinese speaking Legal person if the demand in high. The other way would be to use Interpreters if the Clients do not speak any English at all.
联系我们 Contact Us
工作时间 Working Hours:
周一至周五 (Monday -Friday): 9.30am – 5.30pm
律師行地址 Address:
25 Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London WC2A 1AL
律師行电话 Tel:
01922 645 429
律師行网站 Website:
电子邮件 Email:
关于我们 About Us
Ms Aina Khan OBE 艾娜女士
Ms. Aina Khan Solicitor is a world-renowned family Law specialist. She provides decisive and speedy legal settlements across the UK and globally. Aina is a leading expert in international families, with an unparalleled knowledge of Islamic and Asian issues. She is regularly instructed to prepare Expert Reports for Judges.